Abusing Elixir: classes
Is immutability dragging you down? Despite what the docs claim, Elixir isn’t a real functional language. We can mutate state whenever we want!
defmodule Car do
defstruct [:gear, :rpm, :speed, :shift, :dealloc]
# Constructor
def new do
state = %{
gear: 1,
rpm: 1000
{:ok, agent} = Agent.start(fn -> state end)
# Properties
gear: fn -> Agent.get(agent, & &1.gear) end,
rpm: fn -> Agent.get(agent, & &1.rpm) end,
# Read-only property
speed: fn -> Agent.get(agent, &(&1.gear * &1.rpm)) end,
# Method
shift: fn diff ->
Agent.update(agent, fn state ->
Map.update!(state, :gear, &(&1 + diff))
# Destructor
dealloc: fn -> Agent.stop(agent) end
And, in “use”:
iex(1)> car = Car.new()
gear: #Function<3.34229322/0 in Car.new/0>,
rpm: #Function<4.34229322/0 in Car.new/0>,
shift: #Function<2.34229322/1 in Car.new/0>,
speed: #Function<5.34229322/0 in Car.new/0>,
dealloc: #Function<6.34229322/0 in Car.new/0>
iex(2)> car.gear.()
iex(3)> car.shift.(1)
iex(4)> car.gear.()
iex(5)> car.speed.()
iex(6)> car.dealloc.()
iex(7)> car.gear.()
** (exit) exited in: GenServer.call(#PID<0.189.0>, {:get, #Function<9.34229322/1 in Car.new/0>}, 5000)
** (EXIT) no process: the process is not alive or there's no process currently associated with the given name, possibly because its application isn't started
(elixir 1.14.0) lib/gen_server.ex:1038: GenServer.call/3